It’s a Great Time to be a Part of LSEM! 

This year, the turn of the calendar page not only brings us the promise of a new year but also signifies the beginning of a fresh new decade. At Lutheran Special Education Ministries we are looking ahead to the future and all the exciting things that are happening within the ministry. Everywhere I go I get to remind people that it’s a great time to be part of LSEM! Our programs continue to grow as we reach into new states as well as another country! Thousands of students and their families are receiving the gift of hope thanks to your support. 

2020 also brings exciting news that our national office will be moving to Ann Arbor this summer! LSEM will join the Michigan District, LCMS staff and Michigan Church Extension Fund staff at their office across from Concordia University in Ann Arbor. God has richly blessed us by always providing us with the right place at the right time to do His work. We’re very excited about the possibilities He continues to lay before us. Watch your mail for all the details of this move including ways you can help. Until then, please pray for a smooth transition. 

In big ways and small you continue to be a blessing to us. Whether you are brand new to Lutheran Special Education Ministries or you’ve been with us your whole life we are thankful for all you do to help us improve the lives of students all over the country. Every prayer, every dollar, and every volunteer hour you’ve given makes a difference and we can’t thank you enough. We pray that you will continue on this adventure with us and you are able to see for yourself why it’s a great time to be part of LSEM! 




Stacy J. Hoeft

On the Move In 2020…

LSEM is moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan

The LSEM national office is relocating to available space at the LCMS – Michigan District in Ann Arbor! This is an exciting opportunity for long-term future growth and networking for our ministry which means we can continue to serve more and more children in their Christian schools across the country and around the world. Keep an eye on your mailbox for future details.

News Around the Ministry