It’s early August. Back to school time. As educators we have begun the transition from summer vacation life into school year life. No more late nights, week-long vacations or days spent curled up on the couch with a good book. There are many things that I could say to help you transition back into the right frame of mind needed to start the school year. I’ve chosen a few lines of a song:
Baby Shark, Do do do do do do,
Baby Shark, Do do do do do do,
Baby Shark, Do do do do do do,
Baby Shark!
Sorry, about that. If it’s any consolation, it’s stuck in my head now too!
That song is just one of the latest fads that we’ve seen as a society. Fads are fun. Things become so popular that after a while they become twice as unpopular than they were popular. But then, once they have reached the highest level of social relevance, they disappear from our collective thoughts (usually because the next fad has replaced it). Consider some of the biggest fads that we’ve seen over the years. Do you remember…
- Lava Lamps
- Baby on Board Signs
- Beanie Babies
- Tamagotchi (Digipets)
- Fidget Spinners
Or maybe stuff wasn’t your thing. How about song & dance fads like…
- Moon Walk
- Break Dancing
- Dabbing
- Flossing
Or were you a fashion plate who rocked looks like…
- Bell Bottoms
- Jordache Blue Jeans
- Zubaz
- Parachute Pants
Yup. We all fell victim to a fad or two in our lives, and as teachers, we are some of the best historians in terms of documenting these fads. Don’t believe me? Look back at any school’s student handbook and dress code. Whatever was popular in 2003 was outlawed in the handbook in 2004 and totally forgotten in 2005. I guess this shows how short our attention spans are and how quickly things change.
Societal change is another thing that schools see more readily than other institutions in our country. In fact, things move so quickly that it is often difficult for schools to keep up and adapt with the changing landscape of higher education, the workforce, technology and the world in general. In fact, it has become a commonly held idea that we as educators struggle with preparing today’s children for a world that doesn’t yet exist, while relying on methods and experiences that are decades old and limited in their effectiveness. I see some truth in this. The world in which I grew up is a distant memory and a vastly different place than the world my children are experiencing today. But while this is true in many things, it is not universal. In fact, the most important lesson we will teach our children is one that has not only stood the test of time, it is timeless.
The gospel of John begins with an important declaration. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” This is significant because the Word is Jesus; true God yet true man. He was there before the creation of the universe and He will be there long after the universe is no more. Fads come and go regarding what we wear, what we eat, how we are entertained, and even in what we choose to put our faith into. However, the constancy of Christ and His great love, poured out for us on Calvary’s cross, have no limits and know no end. As teachers, we take comfort in knowing that as we build our lessons for any subject, for any student and on any day, our base is firmly rooted in the power of God’s Word.
As you face the uncertainties of a new school year in an ever-changing world, remember the words of Hebrews 13:7-9. “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them.” It is in Christ that we will find the strength and the hope that we all need to live in a world that more readily chooses to ignore its Creator and Savior. It’s nothing new, but its value can not be understated.
Devotion by Richard Schumacher
LSEM Director of Programs & Services
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