Help us raise $20,000 in 2020!
The sun is shining. Grills are fired up. The kids are playing in the yard. Summer activities are slowly coming together as we venture through this most interesting year of 2020.
Another Summer activity we may not always notice is when our teachers start preparing their classroom for the coming school year. At LSEM, our teachers work year-round to make sure our students and programs are receiving only the best in special education programs. To prepare for the 2020-21 school year we’re excited to announce a fundraising goal of raising $20,000 to adequately prepare our 70+ classrooms.
By helping FUND A CLASSROOM and supporting this campaign, our teachers and students will be ready to go when they finally return to school!
Please come back to this page and track our progress! We’ll be sharing stories and videos with you here as well. Thank you for continuing to support this ministry.