While LSEM offsets a portion of the full fee of each partner school program, there is still a cost associated for a partner school. Our team works with schools to find creative ways to help fund the cost of this very important specialized education.
“Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them…”
Matthew 19:14

ways to make the
investment in God’s children

Seek local grants from foundations that support Christian schools and accessible education.

Host an annual event that brings the church and school community together to support LSEM and recognize its benefit.

Research your state’s laws regarding vouchers or Educational Savings Accounts – a majority of states now have options for parents who wish to send their children with learning needs to non-public schools.

Consider assessing a modest “specialized education” fee to support the cost of the program for those families who use it, or for all school families.

Set up an “LSEM Fund” and provide opportunities for your church members to give on a monthly basis through offerings or other opportunities.

Partner with another local school who also needs LSEM’s services. This is a great way to introduce the program and also share resources in your community.

Establish a parent-led committee or ministry that supports families of children with learning needs. You will be surprised at how many families need support and see the benefit of this program.

Find an “angel”: every church and school has that special person who is waiting for the Holy Spirit to move them in ways they never imagined!

Host a “matching funds” event to boost your LSEM budget dollars.

Host a community-wide awareness building event; most parents don’t realize that Christian schools offer programs for children with learning needs, and may want to learn more about what your school has to offer!