Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. – Hebrews 12: 1-2
Ever find yourself in a situation where you are near a stranger and feel the need to say something to avoid awkward silence? What’s your topic of choice?
Sports? Maybe. But not everyone likes them, and this person may root for your rival.
Books? What are those? Do people still read?
The Newspaper? Please refer to what I previously said about books.
Politics? Perhaps it would be safer if you just stayed home.
The Weather? Excellent choice! What could be safer? Everyone can discuss if it has been too warm, too cold, too wet, too dry, too windy, too humid, or if it’s been beautiful. No, it’s not the most deeply intellectual conversation you’ll ever have, but it lands you safely between silence and fisticuffs, which is usually a win while on an elevator.
Small talk is an art that is dying a slow death. For those Gen Z and younger readers who may be unfamiliar with the term, this is a message thread of unimportant topics spoken between real people in the same place at the same time. Small talk is starting a conversation with a person you don’t know, using a safe and common topic like the weather. As the years go by and we have more people on the planet who were raised by Apple and Verizon, we discover that most people don’t like to make small talk. In fact, people today tend to go further out of their way to not make polite conversation than ever before. So, to help reverse that trend, let’s take a moment and talk about what is likely the least exciting, least enjoyable weather feature of all: clouds.
Apart from a Bob Ross painting, not too many people find joy in their “happy little clouds.” Clouds are gray, overcast, and typically bring a dark and gloomy look to a day. What’s more, clouds are the world’s leading producer of rain and snow. Outside of the world of meteorology, clouds continue to get a bad rap. People often describe themselves as choking on a cloud of smoke or a cloud of dust. When a person isn’t thinking clearly, we say their judgement is clouded or they’re in a mental fog. Cloudy is even used as a slang term for a person who is suspicious or disgraceful. All things considered; clouds are a real drag.
So why then, did Paul encourage us to go through our lives relying upon a “cloud of witnesses?” Didn’t he check the Internet to see what negative connotations this term might evoke? How could a group of people supporting us as we spread the good news of the gospel of Christ be connected in any way with the dreariness of a cloud?
Honestly, it’s a very good comparison.
In college, I had the opportunity to spend a semester in London, where I experienced some of the densest “pea soup” fog the UK could muster. Have you ever been outside on an extremely foggy day? When it happens, our typical reaction is to think about the loss of visibility and how that will impact travel and other planned activities. However, when you haven’t anywhere to go and nothing important to do, you can look at the cloud differently. There I was, standing in this cloud, unable to see more than a few feet in any direction, amazed at just how completely the fog had enveloped the area. Another obvious thing that I noticed was just how still everything was. For thick fog to form and last, you typically need a calm, stable air mass. The fog created a kind of peacefulness that was impossible to ignore.
Now take that vision of being surrounded by a thick cloud and instead of fog, change it into a collection of people who love you, support you, and speak real truth into your life; people who know God and know His word. It’s an image that is equal parts empowering, inspiring, and uplifting. These witnesses bring insight, experiences, and perspectives to us that we wouldn’t ever get from a self-help column, a life coach, or an online wellness expert. These are people who know the word of God and live it daily. They are mature in their faith to the point of being ready to share what they have learned with others. They are also being led by the Holy Spirit to do more through Him than they could possibly do on their own. Their words, their examples, and their faithfulness serve as a guide and a reminder to those of us who work every day to be witnesses to the love of God. What’s more, because of the work of the Holy Spirit, we are assured of this cloud’s presence, even when we are all alone.
Serve God with a renewed boldness, relying upon that cloud of witnesses to guide you in all things, even as you serve others in their clouds. Do this, and we will all live for eternity in that marvelous light that comes from the heavenly throne of the Father, in whose presence, we won’t need to worry about making small talk!
Devotion by Richard Schumacher
Senior Director of Operations
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